Connecting Locally Led Culture-Based Adaptation to the Global Goal on Adaptation

GLOBAL 6 March 2024 Videos

This session held at Gobeshona Global Conference 4 discusses the design of the Heritage Adapts to Climate Alliance (HACA), which is being launched to support the operationalization of the cultural heritage provisions of the Global Goal on Adaptation Framework (GGA) adopted at COP28.  

The new GGA includes a groundbreaking target on the adaptation of cultural practices and heritage sites and also encourages ethical and equitable engagement with Indigenous Peoples and local communities and application of traditional knowledge, the knowledge, wisdom and values of Indigenous Peoples, and local knowledge systems across GGA implementation.

The elaboration of these provisions creates an unprecedented opportunity to better embed attention to culture and heritage and respect for diverse knowledge systems and cosmovision's in adaptation policy, planning and finance at all levels, while also highlighting the urgency to safeguard culture from climate risks.

The session discusses how HACA can support these aims, including how best to ensure that the voices of leaders of locally led adaptation efforts are heard as part of the United Nations’ GGA elaboration process and that local efforts in turn benefit from the GGA. HACA is being supported by the National Geographic Society-funded Preserving Legacies project in partnership with the Climate Heritage Network.