Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility

Global 12 May 2022 Videos

LoCAL provides a mechanism to integrate climate change adaptation into local governments’ planning and budgeting systems, increase awareness and response to climate change at the local level. The LoCAL Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) builds on over two decades of UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) experience in fiscal decentralization, local public financial management, and local investments and procurement around the world. LoCAL is a further refinement of these experiences.

Now active in 31 countries with the potential to reach 600 million people, LoCAL helps to coordinate public policies for adaptation and decentralization. It gives the choice to those most affected by climate change impacts to adapt to new conditions, to test new practices and to live with dignity. LoCAL also makes it possible to increase the level of funds made available to local communities.

LoCAL uses a demonstration effect to trigger further funding flows for local adaptation, including both national fiscal transfers and transfers of global climate finance through central governments to local authorities. Through the use of country systems, LoCAL provides a mechanism that can be replicated in other communes or regions.

LoCAL is a mechanism which can be tailored to specific country circumstances. It makes it possible to directly support the communes and their populations so that they can climate-proof and finance their development plans.

Published in collaboration with LoCAL-UNCDF.