Bridging the Data Gap for Locally Led Adaptation: A Roundtable for Practitioners (Gobeshona 3)

GLOBAL 16 March 2023 Videos

Communities and local governments need data and information, at the right scale, to inform locally led adaptation planning and implementation processes. This includes data and information about: climate forecasts; risks and vulnerabilities potentially exacerbated by climate change; and climate finance. How can this data and information be delivered in ways that target local needs and are accessible and usable by community members?  

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and Mathematica convened a roundtable discussion at the 2023 Gobeshona Conference on data and information needs for Locally Led Adaptation (LLA), and its related challenges and opportunities.

This session began with an overview of the four areas outlined above, followed by a moderated roundtable discussion. In addition to the speakers below, representatives of local communities, grassroot organizations and LLA advocates were invited to join the audience, and to contribute to the discussion.


Dr. Tulika Narayan, Vice President, Climate Change, Mathematica

Opening Remarks:

Anju Sharma, Global Lead, Locally Led Adaptation, GCA

Presentations and Roundtable Discussion:

Sabrina Parvin, President​, Community Development Forum
Shuchi Vora, Resilience Knowledge Coalition Lead, Global Resilience Partnership
Dr. Anthony Louis D’Agostino, Climate Economist, Mathematica
Dr. Anand Patwardhan, Professor, University of Maryland; Co-Chair, Adaptation Research Alliance

Closing Remarks:

Prof. Saleemul Huq, Director, International Centre for Climate Change and Development and Senior Advisor, Locally Led Adaptation, GCA