Climate Tribune: Special Edition on the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator

16 February 2024 Newspaper Article News

Under the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) program, the UN Development Programme has mobilized US$16 million from the Adaptation Fund and the European Union to support locally led, innovative adaptation practices, tools, and technologies in communities from developing countries. It is currently supporting 44 civil society organizations across 33 countries globally, through the award of micro (US$ 60,000) and small grants (US$ 125,000).

This edition of the Climate Tribune highlights inspiring stories from eight AFCIA grantees worldwide. Initiatives include community-led efforts to grow acai berries in Brazil; farm crickets in Cambodia; expand aquaponics and horticulture-related production in Uganda; and catalyze green entrepreneurship through turnkey programs with hundreds of startup businesses in Colombia.