Locally led adaptation: Promise, pitfalls, and possibilities

7 June 2023 Research and Analysis
M. Feisal Rahman, Danielle Falzon, Stacy-ann Robinson, Laura Kuhl, Ross Westoby, Jessica Omukuti, E. Lisa F. Schipper, Karen E. McNamara, Bernadette P. Resurrección, David Mfitumukiza & Md. Nadiruzzaman

How local is "local"? Is local adaptation synonymous with locally-led adaptation? As LLA becomes more prevalent in adaptation practice, there is a risk that its meaning will be diluted to apply to all forms of local engagement in adaptation projects, and existing adaptation projects will be reframed or rebranded as LLA without actually being locally led. The authors call for moving beyond rhetoric, incremental shifts and organizational tweaks, to delegating more authority to diverse local actors, and to covering their core costs - not just passing on the responsibility for achieving results.