Stressed and depressed: Climate change and mental health in Bangladesh

Bangladesh 22 August 2023 Research and Analysis
Syed Shabab Wahid, Wameq Azfar Raza, Iffat Mahmud, Brandon A Kohrt

A study assessing the prevalence of mental health issues in Bangladesh found that individuals experiencing a 1°C higher temperature had a 21% higher probability of reporting an anxiety disorder and a 24% higher likelihood of experiencing both depression and an anxiety disorder at the same time. As climate change accelerates, so will its deteriorative effects on mental health, with wide-ranging implications for individuals and nations.

For individuals, mental health conditions can have physiological manifestations, increasing out-of-pocket expenses, and negatively impacting the quality of life, and productivity. At a national level, these effects can lead to an increased financial burden of healthcare, hinder economic growth, and raise levels of poverty.