Organizations working with climate vulnerable communities share knowledge on developing People’s Adaptation Plans

Rotterdam, The Netherlands 7 October 2024 News Events Peer-to-Peer Learning

The Global Hub on Locally Led Adaptation organized a knowledge and experience sharing session on 7 October 2024 for partners who are working with climate vulnerable communities to develop People’s Adaptation Plans with support from GCA.

The Plans are being developed across eight cities in Bangladesh and seven countries in Africa, by ten organizations: BRAC Bangladesh, WaterAid, Dushtha Shasthya Kendra NGO, Save the Children and Young Power in Social Action NGO in Bangladesh;  BRAC International in Rwanda; Akiba Mashinani Trust in Kenya; YMCA in Liberia; and IED Afrique and International Institute for Environment and Development in Senegal.

Participants discussed how the process outlined in GCA’s Guide was adopted to local context, relevant methodologies that can be adopted from Kenya’s decentralized County Climate Funds model, and how they dealt which challenges such as changes in local and national government.

Why this is important: Peer-to-peer learning and capacity building to support locally led processes at every level is fundamental to a successful approach to LLA. The Global Hub is facilitating multiple wins through this multipronged approach: support for locally-led adaptation planning; links to IFI projects for funding; collaboration with governments; collaboration between global and national level organizations to combine the best available methodologies and learning to support local adaptation action; and upskilling of local actors.